For more than one decade, UCLA Basic and Essential Needs has served as a lead advocate for food justice. Campus and community members are invited to join our efforts to combatting food and housing insecurity.

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Basic and Essential Needs Committee Information

CPO Food Justice Initiatives - Stories of Our Students Video

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"I don't really know where I'd be without this... keep putting the positive back into this world, we need it now more than ever."

"You saved my life! Appreciate the healthier options. Thank you."

"Times are tough. Can't afford a meal at times. Thank you!"

"I feel very blessed to be here at UCLA. All of the programs they offer to help students is amazing and even help with bare necessities. I'm touched. Thank you UCLA."

"Thank you so much. Sometimes it can be hard to ask for help but you guys are so much appreciated for all you do. You make school possible for struggling students."

"Thank you for my healthy snack. I'm a commuter and this place has helped me out so many times."